Ornaments of Grace

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God's Art Gallery

Driving the wooded and winding back roads to nearby Zionsville lately has been so lovely with the gorgeous red and gold leaves, waving “hello” as I pass them by, reminding me of God’s unceasing splendor and continuous activity of re-creation. The row of Euonymus Alatus shrubs welcome me back home into my neighborhood, commanding my attention as their usual humble green has transformed into their well-earned moniker, the flamboyant “Burning Bush”.


Each season offers different magnificent beauties as the canvass of God’s Art Gallery is painted anew. Poet Elizabeth Barrett Browning admonishes:


               “Earth’s crammed with heaven, and every common bush afire with God; But only he who sees,

                takes off his shoes—The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.”


And Stasi Eldredge, in her new book, Defiant Joy, says:


“Natural beauty is more than a balm. It is a testament. Nature is God’s Pinterest page,   reminding us that joy is the greatest reality . . . that there are rhythms to nature and tempos to life”.


So as we go about our days, may we take time to notice the Creator Artist’s ever-changing canvass, and to express our gratitude for His awesome handiwork.