Sitting on my back patio relishing this utterly perfect day. The sky is the most beautiful shade of blue—more like a tropical sky than an Indiana one. Cotton candy clouds tempt me to reach up and pull off a bite.
Delicate chimes dangling from the porch eaves softly tingle in the light breeze. Their sonata, accompanied by the ever-soothing sound of water cascading down the bowls of the fountain, lull me into a brief nap.
How nature is arrayed with such a beautiful and varied palette of colors! The Artist could have painted our world in black and white. But instead, our Creator lavished the canvass of the earth with many shades of green in the grass and trees and brilliant colors in the boastful flowers.
God’s exquisite handiwork is applauded by the massive cottonwood trees, clapping their hands in the breeze. He is lauded by the enthusiastic bird songs and calls. Lord, let the gift of this day, and the celebration of Your creation, bring forth a doxology from my heart.
Isaiah 42:5A – “God, The Lord, created the heavens and stretched them out. He created the earth and everything in it. He gives breath to everyone, life to everyone who walks the earth.
Psalm 19:1 – The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.